Same Tactics?
During the spring of 2008, the Chinese Communist Party incited violence on the streets of Flushing, NY against Falun Gong practitioners, including the elderly. For months, the City of New York had to place a small army of police officers throughout a section of Flushing that has a large Chinese population. Keng Peyu, the Consul General of the Chinese Consulate was caught on audio tape encouraging the violence.
In the above featured picture, courtesy of The Epoch Times, Flushing resident Edmond Erh was assaulted by a pro-CCP mob while supporting a booth for quitting the Chinese Communist Party.
Now, harassment and violence against Falun Gong practitioners are increasing in San Francisco, another city with a Chinese Consulate. At Friends of Falun Gong, we believe it is time to review articles about the attacks in Flushing.
Please click here to view a series of reports by the Falun Dafa Information Center about the attacks that had occurred in Flushing. Additionally, we recommend visiting The Epoch Times website and search on “Flushing 2008” or “Peng Keyu” to see a list of articles on the topic.
The Editors, Friends of Falun Gong