Amaris Smith, “Unjust” – 2nd Place College Student Award
Truth, compassion, and tolerance,
Met by violence, pain, and persecution
The gluttonous hunger for power and control
When takes a hold will not let go
A government so corrupt in every way
Once human rights are thrown away
But yet our heads stay to the ground
And no one seems to make a sound
When men are tortured
And women raped
At what time do we say that this is wrong?
At what time do we say that just because,
It’s not happening here
To turn our face
While people continue to live in fear
Because they wish for their basic rights
Religious freedoms and peace of mind
A right that every man, woman, and child deserves
Why fight peace with war?
Why fight love with hate?
Why do nothing while others meet a cruel and unjust fate?
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