Jose Rizal M. Reyes, “Let’s Not Forget the Falun Gong, Oh Please!” – Honorable Mention, Adult
Let’s Not Forget the Falun Gong, Oh Please!
To exercise is just a simple right
that couldn’t be regarded as a crime.
It wouldn’t even count as minor slight
for people in a half-enlightened clime. The criminals are those who persecute
practitioners of qigong’s gentle art.
To jail such peaceful folks and execute
betrays the tyrants’ lack of soul and heart. It’s dastardly to torture innocents
and snuff out lives without a valid cause.
For even guilty ones, per Bar and Bench,
have rights protected and enshrined in laws. To harvest victims’ organs is so foul
if there was no donation ever made.
All mankind should unite and raise a howl
to stop mass murder and this ghastly trade.
The culprits should be tried for heinous deeds
against the members of the Falun Gong.
Let Justice fall upon those bloody Reds
who planned and implement this monstrous wrong.
This brutal outrage by the CCP*
is not just done against their countrymen.
This is a crime against humanity
that does offend as all, their fellowmen.
Let’s not forget the Falun Gong, oh please!
It’s so demeaning to the human race!
Let’s speak and act until the horrors cease
and evil banished from the planet’s face.
*CCP: Chinese Communist Party
* * *
Recognized as an Honorable Mention in the adult category of FoFG’s 2018 Poetry Contest
Jose Rizal M. Reyes is a poet and writer living in the Philippines.