Sasha A. Palmer, ‘Connected’ – 1st Place Award
I’m Russian-born, live in the USA,
I’m Catholic, and Falun Gong to me—
A chain of cryptic hieroglyphs that say
Nothing of consequence; and yet I see—
Beyond the mystery—a familiar sight
As crouching tigers, hidden dragons fade
And all that’s left is people, whom I might
Have known forever, closely; should I trade
Places with them, would I remain steadfast
In my own faith? Would I refuse to bow
Before the human idols? Would I cast
My fear aside? I do not know. Somehow
I know this: when another victim falls,
Don’t ask for whom the bell of freedom tolls.
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Sasha A. Palmer is a Russian-born writer and translator, who currently lives in Baltimore, MD. Her website is www.SashaAPalmer.com