Shindy Cai, ‘Unbroken’ – 3rd Place Award


by Shindy Cai

Sticks and stones can shatter bones and men can slaughter lives,
But nobody can take away the faith you hold inside.
No prison cells, no earthly hells can crush the good and kind,
There are no bullets strong enough to pierce a tempered mind.

Falun Gong seems calm and meek, a gentle exercise,
Yet from this peaceful practice did a million heroes rise.
They stand for truth and justice and they honor right from wrong,
They fight through their nonviolence, sing a silent battle song.

The CCP spent billions to persecute the wise,
To desecrate, annihilate, this movement from its eyes.
It drained the nation’s resources to try to keep the pace,
But for every noble sacrifice, a thousand filled its place.

A lie is like a ticking bomb, the countdown will not last,
And those who try to bury it are injured by the blast.
This wicked persecution of dishonesty and hate,
Shall meet with retribution in a gruesome coming fate.

The world is slowly opening its silent watchful eyes,
And people are awakening to China’s deadly lies.
It will not drink the poison it’s been force fed all these years,
And communism’s wicked sins shall pay in blood and tears.

So stand up and speak out against this dark and grisly crime,
So find your voice and join the race amidst this fleeting time.
For every voice that joins the fight and dares to say “I tried,”
Shall leave their mark in history as heroes far and wide.

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Winner of the 3rd Place Award in FoFG’s 2024 Poetry Contest