Zoë Nicole Mugoni, “World Don’t Watch” – Honorable Mention, College
World Don’t Watch
Violation of great heights.
What happened to “human rights”?
Violence, torture, oppression,
listen to your hearts confession.
They struggle, they plead, they cry.
Unfairly treated, yet; they don’t know why.
Still the world chooses to watch;
snacking on popcorn; sipping on juice,
Doing absolutely nothing about this ongoing abuse.
It’s not right, it’s not okay,
There really must be another way.
As this torture and injustice proceeds,
my heart bleeds, oh, it bleeds;
as I stare at their unavoidable needs.
So. World, what do you say?
Let us make changes today.
Let us stand up and fight,
for all that is just,
and for all that is right!
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Zoë Nicole Mugoni is a 19-year-old writer living in Masvingo, Zimbabwe.