7 Powerful Ways Falun Gong Bravely Resists Persecution in China
What is the best way to conduct a nonviolent grassroots campaign against a murderous regime that wants to destroy you? Very carefully, if you wish to avoid imprisonment and torture.
In the early days of the persecution against Falun Gong, practitioners courageously petitioned the government directly or held up banners in Tiananmen Square. These activities often led to arrests and torture—many cultivators never made it out of the prison system alive. Although the careful tactics of today help to safeguard them against capture, practitioners still bravely risk imprisonment, torture and death, if caught.
The following is a list of 7 activities Falun Gong cultivators use to peacefully combat the persecution against them. The endgame of these efforts focuses on awakening consciences and winning back peoples’ support, thereby making it impossible for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to find anyone willing to carry out its violent suppression.
Defeating the “Great Firewall” Internet Censorship
In modern times, internet technology is key to accessing and spreading information. As such, the CCP and other tyrannical regimes emphasize blocking off sections of the Internet that are beyond their control. In response, Falun Gong cultivators develop special technology to thwart China’s “Great Firewall,” granting access to sites like Minghui.org, a truthful information hub that helps to counteract the CCP’s anti–Falun Gong propaganda.
Covertly Printing and Distributing Information in Chinese Cities and Communities
With access to Minghui.org, flyers, pamphlets, posters and other informational materials can be printed and carefully distributed to citizens across China that have been deceived by the CCP’s propaganda. Falun Gong practitioners discreetly hand out materials on the streets while avoiding police and doing their best to help people understand why these activities are not wrong. If practitioners are caught or reported on, the consequences can be dire.
Hanging Posters and Spreading Information at Night
In another daring effort to distribute “contraband” information, Falun Gong practitioners stealthily hang posters and banners in public places, under cover of darkness. Recently, posters supporting lawsuits against former CCP leader Jiang Zemin, the man responsible for launching the persecution against Falun Gong, have appeared across several Chinese cities.
Passersby look at a poster in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. People read a poster with firsthand accounts from Falun Gong practitioners. A Falun Gong banner in Beijing reads: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good! -
Collecting Signatures from Supportive Chinese Citizens
After Chinese people learn the facts, they are often willing to sign petitions that support Falun Gong, seek the release of detained fellow citizens, and express their disapproval of the persecution and violence against Falun Gong practitioners. Collecting and displaying large numbers of signatures can help Chinese citizens who are on the fence when it comes to believing either CCP propaganda or the information presented by Falun Gong practitioners.
Signatures of support for imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners. -
Helping Friends, Family, and Colleagues Withdraw from the CCP and Other Party Organizations
After years of effort aimed at reversing the CCP’s policy of persecution against them, Falun Gong practitioners concluded that the persecution will only end when the tyrannical CCP’s reign of terror is over. The CCP has already killed more people than any other regime in history and has repeatedly claimed that it will wipe out Falun Gong. The most benign way to end the violence is for people to simply resign their memberships and withdraw their support from the Party. To date, over 225 million people have followed the lead of Falun Gong practitioners and withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.
Hiring Lawyers to Speak the Truth in Court
Although the court system in China is controlled by the CCP, trials present an opportunity to speak out about the fundamental innocence of Falun Gong cultivators who are indicted simply for practicing their beliefs. The CCP recognizes the power of truthful statements made by lawyers and is now lashing out against them.
Suing Jiang Zemin for Crimes Committed in the Persecution Against Falun Gong
Since May of 2015, some departments of the Chinese judicial system have begun to accept and file lawsuits brought by Falun Gong practitioners against the architect of the persecution, former CCP head Jiang Zemin. Providing the personal information required to file these lawsuits at once makes doing so a brave, yet risky act. In this effort, some practitioners have gone unharmed, while others are immediately arrested. To date, over 200,000 people have sued the former dictator.
Inspiring Peaceful Resistance
(FoFG.org/inspiring-peaceful-resistance/) -
Falun Dafa – Minghui.org
(en.Minghui.org) -
Posters Appear in China Supporting Lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin
(en.Minghui.org/html/articles/2016/1/24/154933.html) -
Posters Draw Attention to Lawsuits against Jiang Zemin
(en.Minghui.org/html/articles/2015/12/15/154091.html) -
Falun Dafa Banners and Posters Appear on the Streets of Beijing
(en.Minghui.org/html/articles/2015/12/14/154083.html) -
Over 300 Xianning Residents Sign Petition Calling for the Release of Imprisoned Falun Gong Practitioners
(en.Minghui.org/html/articles/2016/1/9/154736.html) -
Chinese Residents Show Their Support for Lawsuits Against Jiang
(en.Minghui.org/html/articles/2015/12/21/154182.html) -
2,403 People Sign Petition Calling for Release of Nine Falun Gong Practitioners
(en.Minghui.org/html/articles/2015/4/21/149816.html) -
(en.Tuidang.org/home) -
China’s ‘Rule by Law’ Takes an Ugly Turn
(ForeignPolicy.com/2015/07/14/chinas-rule-by-law-takes-an-ugly-turn-rights-lawyers-crackdown-xi-jinping/) -
Tourists and Residents in Taiwan Support Suing Jiang Zemin