Canadians and Tourists Support Falun Gong at Ottawa Rally
(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners from Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal gathered on Parliament Hill on December 9, the eve of Human Rights Day, to call on the Canadian government to help end the persecution of Falun Gong and pressure China to release ten imprisoned family members of Canadian Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners received great support from legislators and the public.

MP Judy Sgro delivered a speech at the rally, confirming “in a recent meeting that Prime Minister Trudeau has had with the Chinese leaders, the issue of human rights in China, and specifically the Falun Dafa, was raised by Prime Minister Trudeau to the Chinese president.”
Many government employees, local residents, and tourists signed a petition calling to end the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

“The Long Persecution Should Have Stopped!”

Michelle, a resident of Ottawa, signed the petition without hesitation. She said, “I know Falun Gong has been persecuted since 1999, because they have come to Parliament Hill every year since then. I believe this group of people with faith are nice people. I’m sad they have been brutally persecuted for so long! I hope it will end soon.”
With tears in her eyes, she added, “Sixteen years! I will be very sad if it continues. The long persecution should have stopped! People should step out to stop it!”
Gean, who works nearby, had also seen Falun Gong rallies for many years. She said the persecution is terrible and so unbelievable and that she would like to support Falun Gong practitioners’ work to counter the persecution.
“Peaceful Resistance Will Win!”

Awes is a college student from Libya. He told a practitioner, “I’m very interested in Falun Gong. I will find out more information when I get back and introduce it to my friends. I learned the rally was to stop the sixteen-year-long persecution of Falun Gong in China. I support them. Peaceful resistance will win!”

Ineke, a tourist from the Netherlands said to a practitioner, “I completely understand now. My English isn’t very good. I can’t express too well. I thank you very much for telling me about Falun Gong and what is happening in China. I support your work to end the persecution.”
Chinese Tourists Quit Communist Organizations on the Spot
Mr. Wu, a tourist from China, talked with a Falun Gong practitioner for a long time, and eventually decided to quit all of the Chinese Communist Party organizations he had joined before.
Mr. Zhang works in the military. His family of three watched the rally and agreed to quit the Communist Party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers.