Falun Gong Brightens Up Holiday Parades from Coast to Coast
(Minghui.org) People in many North American cities celebrated the holiday tradition with Falun Gong practitioners in Santa Claus parades, which drew big crowds in recent weeks. From Toronto to Hollywood, the Divine Land Marching Band was invited to numerous parades on the weekend of November 28 and 29, 2015. Cheerful crowds gathered from Philadelphia, birthplace of American democracy, to Vancouver, the third-largest metropolitan area in Canada, often known as Hollywood North.
West Chester, Pennsylvania
Although West Chester in suburban Philadelphia has a population of less than 20,000, the annual Christmas Parade was referred to by USA Today as one of the ten great places to catch up with Santa. The event attracted more than 30,000 spectators on December 4.
Falun Gong practitioners’ waist drum troupe brought an energetic rhythm, and received rounds of applause. Upon seeing practitioners dressed in gold traditional costumes, one old local resident removed his white billycock (like a derby hat) and saluted the practitioners saying, “Falun Dafa is good!”

This event was cosponsored by large companies which are headquartered in West Chester, and broadcast to tens of millions of viewers as a live broadcast, and Christmas Day programs.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Winnipeg, the capital of Manitoba in central Canada, and the eighth largest city in the country, held the Santa Claus parade on November 28. Among a hundred participating groups for the annual tradition which dates back to 1905, Falun Gong practitioners once again brought a float and demonstrated the exercises.
With lanterns carrying the words, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” in the front, the Falun emblem in the middle, and a model of the book of Zhuan Falun in the rear, the float drew a lot of attention. Many people received information about the meditation practice and signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution in China.

Vancouver, Canada
The Santa Claus parade each year in downtown Vancouver attracts about 300,000 spectators. For the event on December 6, Falun Gong practitioners brought the Divine Land Marching Band, the waist drum team, a float, demonstrated the exercises, as well as performed dances by the heavenly girls.
John Oberg, who was on a business trip from Edmonton, was excited to see the Falun Gong practitioners’ performance, and thanked one practitioner, “I have never seen such a parade before. The Oriental culture, dancing, and music make our holiday more enjoyable.”

Doug McKenzie said he had seen Falun Gong practitioners in parades previously. “I like the gentle exercises, the beautiful flowers, and the waist drum that gives you energy,” he commented.
Having heard about the suppression in China, McKenzie said that the year-end parade was not only for entertainment and leisure, but also preparation for the coming New Year. “And your presence highlights one of Canada’s founding principles, that is, the freedom of belief.”
Pointing to the words “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance” on the float, McKenzie thanked practitioners for their determination of belief despite the persecution. “I am glad to see these words, because they are not just important for you, we also need them in this country.”