PA House of Representatives Unanimously Passes Resolution Against Forced Organ Harvesting in China
At Friends of Falun Gong, we applaud the Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ passage of House Resolution 1052 with a vote of 198 to zero. The short title of the resolution on the PA General Assembly website is: “A Resolution encouraging the medical community of this Commonwealth to help raise awareness of unethical organ transplant practices in China.”
A special thanks to Representative Mathew E. Baker, the primary sponsor of the resolution, and the other representatives who cosponsored HR 1052: Becky Corbin, Ryan P. Aument, Vanessa Lowery Brown, Tim Mahoney, W. Curtis Thomas, David R. Millard, Tina M. Davis, R. Lee James, Tina Pickett, Rob W. Kauffman, Sandra Major, RoseMarie Swanger, Todd Rock, Thaddeus Kirkland, Mark M. Gillen, Thomas P. Murt, and Thomas R. Caltgirone.