Mahnoor Atta, “The Echo of Hope” – 2nd Place High School Award
The Echo of Hope
A scream heard from far beyond
But one to which no one dares to respond
Blood flowing through rivers far and wide
A country where beliefs collide
Zhēn, Shàn, Rěn, was what they sought
In a world where such pursuits amounted to naught
Organs sold, anatomy distorted
While the rest of the world remained undaunted
Bodies were made for money it seemed
And Falun Gong destined to suffer from their schemes
They became soulless shells, vacant as voids
Filled with nothing but the memory of lives destroyed
I can block out the muffled screams of my neighbors till they fade away
But I still can’t ignore the message they convey
Try as they may to douse the fire that burns within
We will no longer let their voices be restrained
So join your hands in mine and help them see
What it means to truly be free
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Manhoor Atta is a high school student living in Lahore Pakistan.